Hotel Offers Stockholm

Here you will find our best offers for hotel stays in Stockholm. Our special offers are only available when booking directly through us. Our website is where you will always find the lowest rates and also enjoy more added benefits. We have unique special offers for the weekend, long weekend for stays from Friday to Monday – Sunday night for free, senior discount +65, long stays and several seasonal offers. Our beautiful city has a lot to explore, regardless of the season you will always find beneficial offers for a hotel stay in Stockholm.

Our hotel offers

When you book directly online the price per night is always around SEK 100 lower than via other booking sites. We offer price comparison to make sure you book the best rates and offers. You will also enjoy 10% off in the restaurant Belgobaren and you are first in line for early check-in and upgrades subject to availability. Breakfast, WiFi and access to the gym are, of course, included in the room price. After check-out, you will also receive an email with a SEK 100 discount on the next booking. Please find all our unique hotel offers below.


What are the check-in and check-out times?

Guaranteed check-in is from 15:00. If you arrive before 15:00 and your room is not ready, we are happy to store your bags in our luggage room. Check-out is 12:00. Subject to availability, late check-out at 14:00 can be arranged for SEK 250. Please contact reception the evening before if you would like a late check-out.

Do you have parking?

We have a hotel garage which costs SEK 400 per night, from 15.00 to 12.00. Limited spaces available, so advance phone or email booking is recommended. Please notice, maximum height 1,90 meters. Street parking is charged at the red rate on weekdays 09:00–17:00, and a lower rate in evenings and on weekends. Find out more about parking costs on the City of Stockholm website.

Do you have a gym?

Yes, you can workout in our gym located in the basement of the hotel. The gym is open every day 7.00-21.00, please contact the reception for access code and more information.

The gym is equipped with the following machines and equipment:

  • Kettlebells
  • Dumbbells
  • Exercise bike
  • Rowing machine
  • Roman rings
  • Pilates Ball
  • Skipping rope
  • Resistance band
  • Yoga mats
Do you offer luggage storage?

We have a luggage room for guests to use free of charge. We cannot be held responsible for any valuables stored in our luggage room.

Guest reviews


1601 Unique
Guest Review

Breakfast and staff in the morning
Anna Pejin